Hello friends,
I hope this finds you well.
Remember today's task? You are to write your own review of a song that you enjoy. In your own words, as you can best do. It is to be posted to your blog as soon as you can get it there. I will be checking next week. Try to embed the song in your post, so I can hear it.
Basically, you are going to be talking about a song that is, as of right now, your favourite song.
Use the pattern we discussed yesterday, and over the past several days.
Begin this as an opinion piece, on paper, right here in the class. Be sure to choose a song that you are very familiar with. If you need to go get an iPod or other MP3 player, go ahead and ask to do so, but listen to it quietly, please.
Some of you can work on that, while some of you can switch back and forth off the iMacs, to get into Garageband and get making a song.
Aim for somewhere around 45 seconds to a minute.
Be sure your song isn't repetitive and boring, which means you want to have transitions and changes in it, following the song structures we've discussed in class.
Think also about how building it into a song that would be suitable for a slideshow. That is coming up soon.
Be thoughtful of your supply teacher, who may not be Mac-ready, and use your time wisely.
Mr. The Lobb
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